Issue number:3

Snack On This...

As we near Yom Kippur and Sukkoth, Simchat Torah, Shemini Atzeret and of course our weekly thanksgiving, Shabbat...  we have just started a new year. Lets start it right! Make better choices that can change your life and your family's life in so many ways. You have the power to make your life better. Make your health better by committing to working out regularly. Eat healthier meals, fueling your body with super foods and quality fresh food.

I have meal after meal on Shabbat and Yom Tov too! I never wanted to even consider healthier choices during the holidays. I now realize that you can indulge in your favorite foods and holiday fare without deprivation as long as you stick to a healthy way of eating and exercise the majority of the time.  Even on Yom Tov or Shabbat we can add healthy dishes that balance the meal, like brown rice, quinoa, a big salad, a healthy soup that fills you up etc... 

I have included a recipe for a very simple Greek yogurt mini meal that I love and have incorporated into my daily repertoire. I heard about this power snack while watching a PBS special with Dr. Daniel Amen, a Neurologist and author of Change your Brain Change Your Body. Use it regularly to help fuel your body with nutrients that improve your health and fitness.

Look for new recipes and a new section of the website coming soon It will help you to get great healthy meals that are fresh, quick and easy to prepare on the table for you and your family.

Gmar Chatimah Tova.

Warm regards,

Reminder: There will be no Delicious and Kosher Weekly E Newsletter published until Wednesday October 5th. Due to observance of the upcoming holidays, and the kids will be home on vacation from school :-)!

Flax, a Super Hero for Your Health

There is powerful health enhancing food that you can buy for literally pennies a day.  It is readily available in most health food stores and even in some supermarkets. It is tiny in size, yet possesses massive health benefits.

The health benefits of flaxseed are numerous. There is almost no aspect of human health and wellbeing that is not positively affected by flaxseed.

Eating only 2-4 tablespoons daily will improve digestion and your overall health. The cardiovascular system also improves when we consume flaxseed, thanks to its omega 3 fatty acids. Vegetarians who do not eat any fish can get all of the omega 3 that they need from flaxseed! Alpha- linolenic acid and fiber are also in high amounts in flaxseed. This little seed packs a lot of punch.  The omegas, plant sterols and fiber all help to contribute to flaxseeds ability in reducing the risk of heart disease. It lowers elevated blood fat (serum triglycerides) and reduces blood pressure. Benefits have been documented in type 2 diabetics.

We are nutritionally bankrupt
Our western diet is loaded with omega 6 fatty acids and not enough omega 3s, the body responds by creating an inflammatory environment that is ideal for developing cancer and a whole host of other diseases. Flaxseed is one of the richest sources of the omega-3 fatty acid, ALA (alpha-linolenic acid), a polyunsaturated fat that offers unique heart health benefits.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has reported the majority of U.S. diets no longer contain the amount of omega-3 fatty acids needed for overall health and wellness. Instead, Americans are consuming more than 10 times as many omega-6 fatty acids (another essential fatty acid family which is required by the body in moderate -- not excessive -- amounts) as they are omega-3 fatty acids, thanks to the increase of fatty, highly processed foods in today's diet.
 Consuming flaxseed and cutting way down on unhealthy processed fats and packaged and refined foods will help restore a healthy balance in the body. I recommend starting slowly with ? tablespoon a day, as they can have a laxative effect and you need to build up slowly. Increase a little bit each day until you consume optimally at least 4 tablespoons a day, but no less than 2 tablespoons per day.

Let Food be your medicine and medicine be your food...

Flax is one of the best plant sources of lignans, natural antioxidants that may reduce the activity of cell-damaging free radicals, slow the aging process, and increase overall wellness. Flaxseeds provide up to 700 times more lignans than whole grains or legumes.
  •     Besides acting as antioxidants, lignans are phytoestrogrens -- active substances derived from plants that have an estrogen-like effect. Phytoestrogrens can help balance hormone levels and block tumor formation, offering protection against hormone-sensitive cancers, such as breast, endometrium, and prostate.
  •     Lignans are especially important for women as studies have shown them to decrease the risk of breast cancer. In addition, lignans have been proven to reduce breast cancer symptoms and reduce the spread and growth of breast cancer after diagnosis.
  •     In a recent study published by Clinical Cancer Research, women newly diagnosed with breast cancer who consumed a daily muffin containing
    25 grams or two tablespoons of flaxseed, showed a significant reduction in tumor growth compared with those who ate muffins with no flax.
  •     Lignans also help treat menopause without traditional drugs by mimicking naturally produced estrogen, reducing or moderating pre- and post-menopausal symptoms.

  • Good for your waistline

    Full of healthy fats and fiber, flaxseed prolongs the sensation of fullness long after you eat it.  One tablespoon of flaxseed has the same amount of fiber as a slice of whole wheat bread.
    Okay, so how do I eat it?

    I have included one of my favorite ways of consuming flaxseed daily below in this week's recipe. With the Jewish holidays upon us, or any holiday for that matter, consider eating or drinking flaxseed in your shakes, meals or healthy snacks to reduce unwanted over consumption of food and to nourish your body.  

    You can buy ground flax, or whole flax, do not use flax oil instead of flaxseed, as the oil alone does not possess the full benefit of the lignans, which are only present in the seeds. Store them in an airtight container in the fridge so the natural oils will not go rancid quickly. Flaxseed must be ground in order to release their full nutritional and health benefits.

    You can buy them pre-ground or grind them yourself in a coffee grinder or a Vitamix blender with the dry blade.
    If you do grind them yourself, grind only what you will need for about a week at a time to preserve the freshness and potency of the omega fatty acids and the plant sterols.  

    Bake with flaxseed, blend them into your daily protein shake (see my smoothie recipes on for recipes and more to come!) Top your salads with them, sprinkle them on nut butter that is spread on bread, crackers, apples, celery or banana. Another great idea is to add it in hot cereal, cold cereal and especially in a steaming hot bowl of oatmeal. 

    Q:   "I heard that it is healthier to use dried beans than canned beans. Is there a way of preparing them faster then doing an overnight soak?"

    A: Yes! You can use the quick soak method. Simply rinse the beans well, checking for and removing any debris or stones.  Place the beans in a pot filled with plenty of water to cover the beans by at least an inch. Bring to a boil then shut off the heat and cover for 1 hour. This saves you at least 7 hours of soaking. Proceed with the recipe as you would if the beans were soaked overnight. When you cook the beans, don't add the salt until the beans are almost fully cooked, as this will slow down the cooking of the beans.  
    Q: "How do you juice a lemon that is hard?"
    A: Try to buy thinner-skinned lemons that feel juicier when squeezed lightly. When lemons are thick skinned and hard, there is less juice in them. However, a great trick for maximizing the amount of juice that you can get from a lemon is the following:. Place  the lemon on the counter; put your hand, palm side down, on the lemon and while pressing down firmly roll the lemon on the hard surface. Juice the lemon over a strainer/citrus juicer so that it can catch the seeds. For a lime, I use a wooden reamer that does not have strainer as limes do not have large and abundant seeds.
    If you have a question about cooking or natural health for Karen. Please email your question to:

    Save Money and Time While Enjoying Delicious Meals With Your Family and Friends

    This website is your kosher treasure map that will teach the beginner to advanced home cook how to plan and cook meals that your family and friends will cherish for years to come.

    That burning question that each of us and our kids ask each day, "What's for dinner,?" will now finally be answered in a stress-free way that will bring your family closer together and save you a lot of time and money.

    Karen's recipes are focused on fresh foods that are much healthier for you while being tasty and satisfying, without deprivation. Of course, that includes occasional treats and authentic dishes.

    The tips and tricks that you will learn will be invaluable .

    Karen will be creating videos and recipes that invite you into her kitchen to learn and have fun together!

    Karen is a stay- at- home mother of five and an entrepreneur who has had a passion for cooking since childhood.? For Karen cooking is like a sixth sense, much like those with an ear for music can pick up and play an instrument without knowing the notes? The inspiration of her mother's and grandparents' creative and talented cooking helped form the foundation for her passion for cooking.

    From the first falafel she tasted from an Israeli cook, to the lessons from gourmet Italian home cooks and restaurant chefs, to days spent learning from her friend's mom about Hong Kong cuisine, to trips to Chinatown and living in Israel, to mastering the art of Persian cooking after marrying her Iranian husband, to lessons from gourmet Moroccan friends in Boca Raton, Karen lives and learns from every culture and is excited to share that wisdom with you.

    Karen and her family decided to live an observant modern orthodox Jewish lifestyle 15 years ago. She now transforms her favorite American and international non-kosher dishes into delicious kosher fare.

    After college she served in the Israel Defense Forces, married, and now devotes her life to her family, friends, faith, and love of cooking while running a thriving health and wellness business from home. Karen has taught kosher cooking classes for the past 10 years in Boca Raton with her friends, Lauren Bakst, a gourmet cook, and Lowil Stoller, a pastry chef.

    Karen's recipes were featured at a dinner honoring the best chefs of the capital district hosted by the Marriot Hotel in Albany, New York. She has catered affairs up to 350 people including the Maimonides Medical Society annual dinner for over 100 Physicians at the Albany Medical Center Hospital.

    She is presently working on her upcoming book, Delicious and Kosher, and is founder of the Delicious and Kosher website.

    This week I recommend that you spend quality time with your loved ones. Enjoy every precious moment. Open your home and table to those who you can inspire and help. Forgive and ask for forgiveness.
    Be thankful for everything you have; your health, your family, and your life. Treasure all that you have been given.

    Isagenix Propels Couple off "Hampster Wheel"

    No matter how hard Madeleine and her husband Eddy worked, the couple could never seem to get ahead.
    "We were both running like a 'hamster on a wheel' and could not upgrade our life no matter how hard we pushed," remembers Eddy.
    Neither would have guessed that Isagenix? would be their ticket out of a cramped 1,300 square-foot house in Southern California into a spacious 5,600 square-foot dream home in Colorado.
    After seeing a close friend experience incredible health and weight-loss results with Isagenix, Madeleine was gung-ho to try the products, but quickly turned a deaf ear to the business side. A previous experience with another network marketing company had left her with negative feelings about the industry and she wasn't ready to go through the same thing again.
    Her attitude soon changed after she lost 20 pounds* and Eddy lost 40 pounds* with the products. People began flooding them with inquiries about Isagenix. "Everyone wanted to know about it. It was a little rough at first as I would see Madeleine for fleeting moments before she would go into her office," says Eddy. "I took care of the kids, but we also shared with them what our dream was and got them on board."
    Those sacrifices paid off, as their success came quickly. Within eight months, Madeleine had doubled Eddy's salary and a few months later, even quadrupled it. She retired Eddy from his teaching career and he joined Madeleine in the business full time. Eddy has especially been wowed by the concept of residual income.
    Successful Urologist Boosts Patients' Health, Well-Being
    Dr. Nelson of New York has been a successful urologist for two decades, even creating a ground-breaking procedure to treat prostate cancer. However, he couldn't find lasting weight-loss success for himself and over time grew more disappointed with all of the products and systems available. It wasn't until he was introduced to Isagenix that his world changed--and his patients' as well.
    "I've lost 45 pounds" and have never felt the desire to stop using the products. It's convenient and I feel so good," says Dr. Nelson. "After my success, I thought Isagenix would be ideal for my patients to help improve their health and well-being."
    *The weight-loss testimonials apply only to the individuals depicted, cannot be guaranteed, and should not be considered typical.

    *Earning levels for Independent Isagenix Associates are examples and should not be construed as typical or average."
    For more info on Isagenix click here

    Blueberries, Crunch and Cream*

    I adapted this recipe for a nutrient dense power snack or mini-meal when I watched a PBS special by Dr. Daniel Amen, a neurologist who uses whole foods and natural supplements to get people healthier, both emotionally and physically. This is a variation of one of his favorite snacks or mini meals that he uses as a dessert as well. This will help nourish you while staving off any cravings and will put the breaks on over eating at mealtime.   This can be a good breakfast as well. Greek yogurt has a lot more protein than regular yogurt and has a thicker and creamier consistency. Blueberries are loaded with phyto chemicals and antioxidants. Raw nuts and seeds maintain the live enzymes and essential fatty acids that cooked foods do not.

    1, 8 ounce container organic or no BST (Bovine Stimulating growth Hormone) or antibiotic treated Greek yogurt plain or vanilla flavored
    1-2 tablespoons ground organic flaxseed
    1 teaspoon honey, maple syrup stevia or agave (optional)
    ? cup frozen organic blueberries, may use fresh when in season
    2 tablespoons slivered or sliced raw almonds
    ? teaspoon vanilla extract (only if you use plain yogurt)

    In a cereal-sized bowl, mix all of the ingredients with a spoon, wait a couple of minutes to slightly thaw the blueberries then enjoy! I love eating this when the blueberries are still partially frozen as they feel like little fruity popsicles as you eat the mixture. Notice how great you feel, when you eat mini meals like this!

    * Dairy and vegetarian

    You may absolutely share this newsletter with people you think may enjoy it. When doing so, please forward it in its entirety, including our contact and copyright information. Thanks and enjoy!

    If you are new to this newsletter and would like to receive valuable Delicious and Kosher Weekly tips by email each week, you can register here.

    The Delicious and Kosher Weekly Newsletter and Delicious and are written by Karen Abir and the staff of Delicious and If you have any questions or comments, please send them to:

    PO Box 7050 West Palmetto Park Road # 15-120
    Boca Raton, FL 33433
    2010 Delicious and Kosher LLC. All Rights Reserved.